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Cairns Disability Network Expo
Saturday 01 March 2025
Cairns Disability Network
The annual Cairns Disability Expo will again be run by a volunteer committee of Cairns Disability Network (CDN) members at the Pier Marketplace Shopping Centre at the Esplanade, Cairns City from 9am to 5pm (inclusive) on Tuesday 29 August 2023.
This event is widely regarded as the premier disability services expo for the Far North Queensland region and is well supported by providers. The aim of the expo is to increase awareness of supports, services, and resources for people living with disability, their families and carers, within the Cairns and FNQ region.
NDIS and non-NDIS (mainstream and community services, supports and resources) will have exhibits, including disability and carer support groups, NFPs, advocacy and government services and supports. Although the event is also a wonderful opportunity for providers to interact and connect, it is not a networking event (CDN runs networking events during the year) and the focus should be on offering interesting and interactive opportunities for attendees to raise awareness and maximise the attendee experience. Whilst this venue is bigger than previous CDN events, there will be limits on the number of services that can participate and as such, preference will be given to services with a physical presence in and around the Cairns and Far North Queensland region.
Last updated: Tuesday 15 August 2023