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Integrated Team Care–Assessment, evaluation, and co-design consultation report
This report presents the results of the assessment, evaluation, and co-design project conducted by KPMG for Northern Queensland Primary Health Network (NQPHN) to understand the options for the future commissioning of the Integrated Team Care (ITC) program in the region.
The ITC program aims to improve chronic disease outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people by improving access to primary health care, including culturally appropriate mainstream services, and by providing care coordination and access to brokerage funds (Supplementary Services) for eligible patients.
The ITC program is currently being implemented via a dual commissioning model, through Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations and mainstream general practices. This approach originally aimed to deliver effective ITC implementation by enabling choice, recognising the diverse service delivery environment in North Queensland, and broadening the reach of the program.
08 April 2022