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Contraceptive Implant (Implanon NXT®) Insertion & Removal Training
Saturday 01 March 2025
True Relationships and reproductive health
Implanon NXT® insertion and removal training consists of simulated practice on model arms will occur under supervision in small groups by an experienced Implanon NXT® clinical trainer. Please register for a session to attend and complete your simulation practice with the trainer.
The self-paced, online course (which must be completed prior to the face-to-face simulation session) covers the following topics:
- long Acting Reversible Contraceptives (LARC) Composition and mechanism of action
- efficacy Side effects, including bleeding patterns and guidance of management
- patient suitability, contraindications, and medication interactions
- patient consent
- timing of initiation of contraception
- insertion procedure, including anatomical considerations
- removal procedure
- reinsertion procedure
- post-procedure patient advice
- advice for complex implants, such as deeply inserted implants.
This course has pre requisite learning that must be completed prior to attending the face to face session.