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Free CPD training in Recognising and Responding to Sexual Violence

Posted Saturday 01 March 2025 | Monash University

The Unit Responding to Sexual Violence in Adults is part of a three-unit program to improve health practitioners’ capacity to recognise and respond to a presentation of sexual violence (recent or in the past) and to undertake (as required) systematic and patient-sensitive history-taking, examination (if required), documentation, specimen taking, and referrals for medical and non-medical support. 

The program focuses on understanding the: 

  • context, indicators and impacts of sexual violence
  • trauma-informed communication
  • the principles of acute management of sexual assault
  • referrals to psycho/social support and specialist medical service providers, including state and territory-based forensic medical services. 

The project is funded by the Department of Social Services under the Fourth Action Plan of the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2010-2022. Funding continues under The National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children 2022-2032

This Unit addresses the learning outcomes, skills and knowledge required to respond to adult disclosures of sexual violence. It develops your ability to provide trauma-informed patient care, and to conduct anogenital examinations, collect specimens and document findings in cases of sexual assault. It will also enable you to engage with patients to assess risk, plan for safety and provide referrals to address needs and preferences. 

Last updated: Monday 11 September 2023

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