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Mental Health Upskilling for rural GPs and GPs with Mental Health Advanced Skills
Saturday 01 March 2025
James Cook University
James Cook University (JCU) warmly invites you to Mental Health Upskilling for rural GPs and GPs with Mental Health Advanced Skills Workshop.
Join JCU for this interactive upskilling workshop. The sessions are case based with a "non metro" focus, recognising the wider scope of practice of GPs working outside the cities.
Topics include mental health assessment and mental health emergencies in primary care, child and adolescent health, perinatal mental health and mental health in older adults.
- Friday 17 March 2023, 12pm to 4pm
- Saturday 18 March 2023, 8am to 5pm.
- Early bird $1,300 (closes 22 January 2023)
- Full price $1,500 (closes 5 March 2023).
Who can attend?
GPs working in remote, rural, and regional locations, and GPs with a Mental Health Advanced Skill.
James Cook University will apply for Category 1 RACGP and ACRRM points. Accreditation for maintenance of focused psychological strategies skills will also be applied for.
Program Workshop
View the workshop program here.
To help support the costs of attending, the Northern Queensland Primary Health Network (NQPHN) are offering a limited number bursaries ($400 per person) to eligible GPs who are based in Cairns, Mackay or Townsville. Apply here.
Attendees may also be eligible for bursaries provided by the Health Workforce Queensland as part of Round 4 which are available for application between 7 and 20 November 2022. Apply here
Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea will be provided.
Register Now
Places are limited. Register now to secure your spot.
This workshop is sponsored by Aurora Health, Northern Queensland Primary Health Network, and the Rural Doctors Association of Queensland.
Download flyer Last updated: Wednesday 02 November 2022