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National Preterm Birth Prevention Program Rural Fora

Posted Saturday 05 October 2024 | Queensland Health

Clinical Excellence Queensland and The Australian Preterm Birth Prevention Alliance invite GP Obstetricians to attend the Queensland Preterm Birth Prevention Rural Fora being held in Cairns.

These in-person rural fora are designed to train GP Obstetricians in strategies of preterm birth prevention, including recommendations on timing of birth. The fora will include a presentation on the preterm birth care bundle and hands-on skills stations to support GP Obstetricians in rural areas to become champions for change.

Topics include:

  • Introduction to the National Preterm Birth Prevention Program and care bundle
  • Timing of Birth in stillbirth and early term/preterm birth prevention
  • Rural obstetrics and maternity care - health inequality and its impact on preterm birth prevention initiatives
  • Obstetric skills – practical skills stations
  • Ultrasound skills for GP Obstetricians – practical skills stations

Who should attend: GP Obstetricians

Time: 8.30am-4.30pm (Thursday) and 8.30am-12pm (Friday)

*An optional social event will take place on Thursday evening, with further details to follow.

Last updated: Tuesday 10 January 2023

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