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Prediction in practice: Applying the new Aus CVD Risk Calculator

Posted Monday 03 March 2025 | Heart Foundation

Join the Chair, Professor Garry Jennings, and an expert panel of primary care clinicians as we showcase the new Australian CVD risk guideline and calculator in clinical practice.  

The Aus CVD Risk Calculator is the first dedicated Australian CVD risk calculator, incorporating a risk equation uniquely modified and recalibrated for the Australian population and the Australian health system. Using the new Aus CVD Risk Calculator in practice is a simple and effective way of providing more accurate risk assessment and comprehensive heart health care for patients.  

Prediction in practice will illustrate how to effectively utilise the Aus CVD Risk Calculator in primary care through real-life case studies, demonstrating important features such as reclassification factors and risk communication tools. One hour of live, case-based presentations will be followed by an extended 30-minute live audience Q&A with opportunities to pre-submit questions.

Topics to be discussed 

  • Key updates and features of the new guideline and calculator, including how the calculator was developed and modified. 
  • Live demonstration of the Aus CVD Risk Calculator, exploring new variables and how they contribute to more accurate risk assessment, risk categories and built-in communication tools. 
  • Live demonstration of the diabetes specific equation and application of reclassification factors focusing on coronary artery calcium scores, highlighting key practice points and management considerations.


  • Professor Garry Jennings
    Chief Medical Advisor, Heart Foundation 
  • Doctor Gary Deed
    General practitioner, Adjunct Senior Research Fellow, Monash University  
  • Professor Anthony Russell 
    President, Australian Diabetes Society and Director, Department of Endocrinology and Diabetes, Alfred Hospital, Melbourne  
  • Professor Jenny Doust
    Clinical Professorial Research Fellow, Australian Women and Girls’ Health Research Centre, The University of Queensland 

This event has been accredited by RACGP for 1.5 CPD points. (Activity no. #642573). 

Last updated: Friday 03 November 2023

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