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Universal Aftercare - Mackay codesign session
Saturday 01 March 2025
Northern Queensland Primary Health Network
Have your say on northern Queensland mental health and suicide prevention initiatives
Northern Queensland Primary Health Network (NQPHN) and our partner Hospital and Health Services (HHSs) are undertaking codesign activities to inform the implementation of two important mental health and suicide prevention service initiatives.
NQPHN and Mackay HHS are working together to implement new Universal Aftercare services for people who have attempted suicide or are at imminent risk of attempting suicide.
People with a lived experience of mental health challenges or suicide, carers, service providers, GPs, and other stakeholders are invited to register for this codesign session. Your participation in these events will help to ensure services are designed to truly meet local needs.
If you are unable to attend the session but would like to contribute, or would prefer to schedule an in-person or virtual meeting with NQPHN to discuss this work, please complete this form.
If you would like to provide feedback on this work via a survey, please click here.