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Victorian Sepsis Ground Round, Transforming Sepsis Care: Innovations and Insights from Australian Clinicians

Posted Sunday 02 March 2025 | Alfred Health Emergency

Join us on World Sepsis Day at the Victorian Sepsis Grand Round, focused on ‘Transforming Sepsis Care: Innovations and Insights from Australian Clinicians’. Gain valuable knowledge from leading experts in sepsis recognition and treatment across various patient groups and discover the latest advancements and innovations in sepsis care.

The Victorian Sepsis Grand Round is a collaborative initiative between Alfred Health and Sepsis Australia which provides a forum for healthcare professionals involved in Sepsis care. This event is free of charge and open to all clinicians.

Don't miss this exceptional opportunity to expand your knowledge and contribute to the evolution of sepsis care.

View the full program at and register to attend this annual event.

Online access will be provided five days before the event.

Collaborative partners

Alfred Health

The Victorian Sepsis Grand Round (VSGR) was, initiated by Alfred Health Intensive Care Unit and Alfred Health Emergency Services in collaboration with Sepsis Australia to provide a forum for healthcare professionals to explore and debate aspects of best-practice sepsis care. 

Sepsis Australia

Sepsis Australia is a program of The George Institute for Global Health and a collaboration of individuals and organisations working to improve outcomes for patients with sepsis, their friends and family. Our mission is to reduce the burden of disease (death and disability) due to sepsis by increasing awareness and recognition, improving clinical care and support, providing education for health care workers and undertaking research that directly translates into health care policy.

For more information:

Please get in touch with us at

Follow us @sepsisAU and @EmergEdu for the latest news and to join the conversation.

Last updated: Monday 11 September 2023

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