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Weight loss and Wellness

Posted Saturday 01 March 2025 | The Nurses for Nurses Network and Education at Sea


This conference has two components:

Firstly, we will explore the concept of wellness, burnout, strategies to prevent burnout, and how to get back your “WHO” after burnout has happened. We will explore how our innate personalities define our “Who” (who we are) and how stress and burnout impact each of us differently.

Our presenter will discuss anxiety and depression, and various management strategies will be investigated. The importance of how we set and manage professional and personal boundaries and the difference between aggression and assertiveness will be highlighted.

This section of the conference will conclude with strategies to assist us in flourishing in our personal and professional lives.

The second concept explores the complex area of weight loss and its implications for physical and psychological well-being. Not that we believe you need to be thin to be happy – that is certainly not the case.

However, so many people are unhappy with their weight and struggle with issues of self-esteem and self-worth every day.

That is why weight loss has become a vast industry and, as health care workers, we must have the latest information to educate our clients and ourselves.

You will examine the latest treatments and criteria for weight loss interventions including surgical, non-surgical and pharmaceutical treatments. In addition, the importance of client education and managing client expectation regarding the available options will be explored, along with improved health outcomes and considerations for treatment selection.

The information provided will assist the Nurse in understanding the expected success rates and the limitations of the various options under review.

The knowledge gained from this conference will enhance clinician understanding of a complex issue resulting in improved patient education and their own personal health outcomes.

Conference learning outcomes

At this conference you will:

  • Explore the concept of wellness and the psychological and physical implications of stress and burnout
  • Gain strategies to assist us to flourish in both our personal and professional life
  • Gain an understanding of the key facts surrounding obesity and the impact on health outcomes
  • Explore treatments available for weight loss including surgical, non-surgical and pharmacological interventions.

You also will learn:

  • That not all stress is bad
  • How bad stress leads to physical and mental illness
  • The impact of sleep on our health
  • How to recognise burnout, anxiety, and depression
  • About mindfulness
  • Selected mindfulness strategies
  • What flourishing looks like
  • How to set boundaries in your personal and professional life
  • What factors lead to obesity
  • The impact of obesity on long term health outcomes
  • Surgical options for weight loss
  • Pharmacological strategies for weight loss
  • Non-surgical strategies for weight loss
  • The advantages and disadvantages of weight loss interventions
  • The latest info on dietary guidelines
  • How to assist clients when making choices regarding treatment
  • Long term weight loss management strategies.


Download flyer Last updated: Friday 16 December 2022

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