Facilitated by NQPHN, in partnership with Reframe Osteoporosis, the workshop provided nurses with osteoporosis education and the opportunity to engage with Reframe Osteoporosis educators and presenters Nicole Gibson, Karen Kemp, Laura Skirrow, and Rael Wulfsohn.
The 90-minute presentation discussed in detail a nurse’s role in identifying, screening, and managing osteoporosis in primary care, ‘The Big O’ national awareness campaign and its impact on practices, and the mobile bone densitometry service – ‘The Bone Bus’.

Since participating in the workshop, several attendees have engaged the free expertise and services of local Osteoporosis Nurse Educator Karen Kemp, who visits and supports practices with their bone health quality improvement activity.
The workshop provided nurses across the North Queensland region with welcome osteoporosis support and education; highlighting the importance of proactive health screening in primary care.
If your practice nurses would like to receive osteoporosis training and support, please contact Osteoporosis Nurse Educator Karen Kemp at k.kemp@reframeosteoporosis.com.au or call 0491 693 755.