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Displaying 33 - 40 of 53 results
Pharmacist Stephen Hall and David Griffiths (right) from Griffiths Pharmacy in Charter Towers with new iPads

Our Region, Our People: Meet Stephen

Pharmacy expands patient counselling service with digital upgrade

Tina Hamilton is looking forward to enhancing the digital capabilities at her Proserpine practice.

Our Region, Our People: Meet Tina

Tech savvy clients will benefit from specific upgrades at occupational therapy clinic

OROP - Meet Rhodesia

Our Region, Our People: Meet Rhodesia

Dedicated telehealth room means better health care for rural and remote patients

OROP - Meet Henry

Our Region, Our People: Meet Henry and his students

Cultural training awareness guru delivers programs for NQPHN

OROP - Meet Andrew

Our Region, Our People: Meet Andrew

Mackay Mental Health Worker gets client’s life back on track

Our Region, Our People: Meet Julie

Our Region, Our People: Meet Julie

A safe place is helping people to recover from substance abuse

OROP - Meet Pranee and Jane

Our Region, Our People: Meet Pranee and Jane

How a health and wellbeing program saved a single mum’s life

Our Region, Our People: Meet Aden, Tom, and Hayden

Our Region, Our People: Meet Aden, Tom, and Hayden

Recruitment campaign attracts allied health professionals

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