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QScript – real-time prescription monitoring is here

Published 30 November 2021

From October 2021, healthcare providers must look up the real-time prescription monitoring system QScript before prescribing, dispensing or giving a treatment dose of any monitored medicine.


QScript complements practitioner expertise by providing context, specifically around the patient’s history of monitored medicine prescriptions, which includes all Schedule 8 and some Schedule 4 medicines.

This information is augmented with alerts and notifications that identify potentially high-risk scenarios, such as unsafe medicine combinations. Healthcare providers can use this information to further discuss treatment options and safety, but clinical expertise is still paramount – QScript won’t prevent healthcare providers from prescribing or dispensing the medicines patients need.

QScript is secure. QScript contains information including patient names, addresses, and up-to-date information about previous monitored medicines they have received. The doctors, other prescribers and pharmacists involved in a patient’s care are the only healthcare providers authorised to access the patient’s record in QScript.  

Healthcare providers will have access to education and support as the system is implemented. A campaign is also underway across the state to ensure Queenslanders who use monitored medicines are aware of the changes and how it may affect conversations with their healthcare providers.

For more information on QScript and how it will affect both healthcare providers and patients, visit

To access the QScript system including links to training and registration visit -

Last updated: 23 February 2022