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A Clinical Approach to Eating Disorders
Saturday 01 March 2025
Alliance Rehabilitation
Eating disorders are debilitating mental health conditions, associated with high morbidity and mortality rates. With effective evidence-based treatment and a collaborative team care approach recovery is possible.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, eating disorder prevalence increased by 15.3 per cent globally1. Australian Eating Disorder Services have experienced a 300 per cent increase in demand for their services2.
The increase in prevalence as well as the new eating disorder clinician credentialing through NEDC and Medicare Eating Disorder Management Plans, creates the perfect opportunity for GPs and clinicians to collaborate for an improved model of care.
This event will provide the opportunity for the Townsville healthcare community to upskill in evidence based eating disorder treatment and network with those working in this space.
Presented by Dr Kai Yang Chen
Consultant Liaison Psychiatry, Eating Disorders, Neuropsychiatry, Addictions, and Research Psychiatrist
Current Roles: Director of FlexiMinds, Senior Lecturer at James Cook University, Psychiatry Staff Specialist including Eating Disorder Specialist Clinic, Consultant-Liaison Psychiatry Hospital Service, Acting Director ATODS and Specialty Services Member of RANZCP, ANZAED Credentialed Eating Disorder Treatment Professional Graduate of the University of Western Australia
90 minute session overview:
- the psychological and psychopathology of eating disorders
- the role of community-based treatment and prevention strategies
- overcoming common barriers to effective community-based treatment
- key roles in the treatment and support of people recovering from an eating disorder
- how clinicians can assist in preventing eating disorders in their everyday interactions with participants
- how can GP’s, psychologists, and dietitians can work collaboratively to prevent and treat disordered eating and eating disorders.
1. Zipfel S et al, Lancet 2022
2. Eating Disorders Victoria