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Pharmacist delivers vaccine to patient

Aged care vaccination program through pharmacies helps ...

Northern Queensland Primary Health Network (NQPHN) has announced the successful execution of its…

Northern Queensland Primary Health Network (NQPHN) is rolling out comprehensive, mobile, telehealth carts to 36 participating residential aged care homes (RACHs) in North Queensland.

New telehealth initiative helps aged care home resident...

NQPHN rolls out 36 telehealth carts to RACHs in North Queensland

Image of people from Cairns disaster planning workshop

NQPHN delivers vital disaster planning workshops for re...

Northern Queensland Primary Health Network (NQPHN) has successfully executed a series of Disaster…

Aged Care events 2022

NQPHN steps up aged and palliative care services in the...

Residential Aged Care Facility (RACF) and aged care workers, GPs, primary care nurses, healthcare…

Dr Edward Strivens

Aged care in spotlight at Townsville symposium

Health professionals to be updated on looking after older people

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