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12 Lead ECG Interpretation Course
Friday 14 March 2025
Nurses For Nurses Network
This course is ideal for:
Any Nurse working in critical care, coronary care or emergency departments as well as general ward areas and medical practices. It is designed not only for the critical care areas, but ideal for the Nurse in a telemetry ward or any Nurse who performs a 12 lead ECG as part of their role.
Nurses in all areas of clinical practice require knowledge and skills in the area of ECG Interpretation. With the changing health environment, the introduction of ward-based telemetry units, acute cardiac patients now being managed in general care areas and acutely unwell patients presenting at community based medical practices, highlights the benefit of the knowledge you will acquire by undertaking this course.
Other health-care professionals who perform an ECG as part of their role are also welcome to enroll.
You will learn:
to review the cardiac complex: waves, segments and timing intervals and demonstrate the understanding of the foundation of interpretation of sinus rhythm and abnormal arrhythmias.
to demonstrate skills in the 12 lead ECG interpretation and be able to recognise changes related to acute coronary syndrome
to become proficient at interpreting a myocardial infarction.
to demonstrate expert knowledge of the potential complications that may be associated with a specific myocardial infarction.