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Advanced Life Support One Day

Posted Friday 20 September 2024 | CRANAplus

The CRANAplus Advanced Life Sup­port (ALS) one-day course is based on ANZ­COR Guide­lines and best prac­tice prin­ci­ples. The course pro­vides remote health clinicians/​workforce with the skills required that con­tribute to a suc­cess­ful outcome after a car­diac arrest. Clin­i­cians will learn the importance of ear­ly rhythm recog­ni­tion, CPR, defib­ril­la­tion and post-resus­ci­ta­tion care in the con­text of a remote and iso­lat­ed setting.

CRANAplus encourages health care clin­i­cians to apply ALS knowl­edge and skills acquired with­in the con­text of the poli­cies of their employ­ing health service.

The CRANAplus Advanced Life Sup­port one day course con­sists of the following:

  • Online pre-course learn­ing and assess­ments that must be com­plet­ed one week before the course: Advanced Life Sup­port online the­o­ry mod­ules and assess­ment — approx. 8 hours of study
  • Atten­dance at a one day work­shop con­sist­ing of lec­tures, skill sta­tions and prac­ti­cal based scenarios
  • An indi­vid­ual sce­nario based assessment


Last updated: Tuesday 19 December 2023