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Combatting Australia's new syphilis epidemic: The crucial role of GPs
Tuesday 11 March 2025
While Australia has made some notable progress in the management of sexually transmissible infections (STIs), Syphilis remains a significant public health challenge.
About two million Australians see a general practitioner (GP) each week, and most STIs are diagnosed in general practice - GPs have a crucial role in reducing the prevalence of Syphilis in the community through early diagnosis, testing and re-testing at risk patients, and timely and appropriate antibiotic treatment for cure.
This webinar will provide an important update on the specific skills and actions to improve prevention, detection and treatment of Syphilis by GPs including:
- comprehensive Syphilis testing and treatment
- achieving earlier detection of primary, secondary, and asymptomatic infection
- opportunistic testing as part of the time-limited consultation
- preparedness for universal (up to five times) testing during and post pregnancy
- test, screen, and manage Syphilis in a culturally appropriate and inclusive manner
- accessing clinical advice and support at point of care.