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Genes, Gender, and Gametes: Role of the GP in IVF
Tuesday 04 March 2025
Northern Queensland Primary Health Network
Northern Queensland Primary Health Network (NQPHN), together with NG GyneHealthCare invite general practitioners to an educational webinar with Dr Naguesh Gaunekar.
Genes, Gender, and Gametes are the new frontiers of fertility and truly reflect not just the sterile medical viewpoint (not underestimating the amazing science that has developed in the backdrop that has major implications for practice), but opens the debate on a philosophical, libertarian path for humankind.
This will be an interactive session to tease out the role of GPs and specialists in shaping up these unprecedented trails.
Please feel free to send through any questions when registering, that you would like addressed.
Presented by Dr Naguesh Gaunekar, Director, Obstetrician, Gynaecologist and Fertility Specialist NG GyneHealthCare.
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