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Mental Health Lived Experience Peak Queensland is coming to Cairns
Tuesday 11 March 2025
Mental Health Lived Experience Peak Queensland
The Mental Health Lived Experience Peak Queensland (MHLEPQ) is for lived experience and by lived experience. Over the past months we have consulted around the establishment of local branches locations where this is supported by the MHLEPQ membership. During previous meetings with members in Cairns we have judged that there was a positive view of this and therefore now suggest that Cairns could be the place where we first establish a local branch of the MHLEPQ.
A local committee will:
- Provide direct input into the MHLEPQ Statewide systems reform and advocacy agenda.
- Provide the conduit for support and facilitation of local engagement in matters of systems reform and advocacy.
- Where appropriate provide local representation on behalf of the MHLEPQ.
- Provide collective support for our individual advocacy and peer roles
- Provide a local focus for networking with regional partners and allies.
- Build a broad member base to advocate from.
To achieve this the MHLEPQ will:
- Provide administrative and organisational support.
- Provide financial compensation to a local coordinator (initially 4 hours per fortnight)
- Meet reasonable expenses for administration and meetings.
- Facilitate in and outgoing communication.
The MHLEPQ Cairns Branch will have the status of a MHLEPQ Committee. Once branches have been established in several places it is our intention to establish a state committee where each branch can be represented and feed into operations and the Board. In short, the MHLEPQ belongs to its members and having local representation is an important part of ensuring this.
Last updated: Tuesday 04 June 2024