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Paediatric Sepsis

Posted Saturday 01 March 2025 | Queensland Paediatric Sepsis Program

Please join the Paediatric Sepsis Series – Paediatric sepsis care from pre-hospital to the emergency department, part of a monthly series of online education sessions brought to you by the Queensland Paediatric Sepsis Program.

Sepsis is a leading cause of preventable death and disability in children. Early recognition, escalation and management is key to improving outcomes for children and their families. Paediatric sepsis commonly begins in the community, however, evidence has mostly focused on recognition and treatment in the hospital environment. The role of pre-hospital care providers, including parents and caregivers is paramount. By extending the focus to the pre-hospital environment, recognition and treatment of sepsis can begin earlier and care can be efficiently transitioned to emergency department clinicians. Commencing the patient journey in the community will directly contribute to improved outcomes.

Led by Dr Amanda Harley, Paediatric Sepsis Clinical Nurse Consultant of the QPSP, together with QAS RAPID, this session is designed to support paramedic and community health care providers to recognise the red flags associated with early signs and symptoms of sepsis, key assessment criteria, safety netting, the care to provide when transporting paediatric patients from the community and key information to handover upon arrival to the emergency department.

We welcome both pre-hospital and hospital care providers to attend and engage in the discussion, share learnings and improve care for this vulnerable patient group.

Download flyer Last updated: Friday 28 April 2023