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TAAHC Webinar Series: Conducting clinical trials in northern Queensland
Tuesday 11 March 2025
Tropical Australian Academic Health Centre
Join us for this month’s webinar exploring the challenges and opportunities of conducting clinical trials in regional, rural, and remote northern Queensland. Gain insights from people who set up, conduct, and support these trials daily. Unlock the potential of extending clinical trial research to underserved communities.
Tropical Australian Academic Health Centre (TAAHC) is a collaboration between the five hospital and health services in northern Queensland – Cairns and Hinterland, Mackay, North West, Torres & Cape and Townsville - the Northern Queensland Primary Health Network, Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council and James Cook University, including the Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine. TAAHC's purpose is to create a regional, collaborative vehicle for northern Queensland Member organisations and their employees to lead, undertake, translate and advocate for locally-relevant research of significance that improves the health of our communities.
Last updated: Thursday 21 March 2024