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Practice Owners Masterclass - Townsville

Posted Monday 23 September 2024 | RACGP Queensland

The last two years have been challenging for all business owners, but especially for general practice owners. On top of caring for your patients during a deadly pandemic, you had a business to manage in very trying conditions. The Practice Owners Masterclass comprises of a one-day interactive workshop built around an existing clinic case study of two GP owners. The workshop aims to step you through the development of a successful business and strategic plan covering the below key areas: 

  • development of a business and strategic plan
  • accounting and financials
  • getting the best out of your people and practice staff
  • patients and services
  • doctor payments.

You'll come away from this highly practical workshop with real-world solutions and strategies to implement in your practice immediately. 

This masterclass is proudly supported by CommBank Health, official banking and financial services partner of the RACGP. 

Download flyer Last updated: Friday 19 August 2022

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