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Bladder and bowel health advice is just a call away

Published 07 December 2020

With over five million Australians affected by incontinence, the National Continence Helpline 1800 33 00 66 is a valuable tool in primary health. The Helpline is a free service staffed by experienced Nurse Continence Specialists.


They can help you with specialist information and advice on all areas of bladder, bowel, and pelvic health. You can order free brochures, in languages other than English and about the National Public Toilet Map, so you always have resources on-hand.

The Helpline can also be shared with consumers looking for support and information as well as product and funding scheme information. They can phone through the summer holiday period, 8am-8pm (AEST), Monday to Friday (except Christmas, Boxing, and New Year’s Day).

For more, visit

Last updated: 07 December 2020

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