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Distress Brief Support codesign

Published 04 June 2024

Community members and service providers in the Tablelands region and Mareeba shire recently met in the first codesign session for the new Distress Brief Support (DBS) trials.


The two Local Government Areas (LGAs) are among the six identified sites to hold atrial across Australia.

DBS offers an immediate, compassionate response for any person experiencing psychological distress who may be at heightened risk of suicide. The initiative is a three-week program designed to support people experiencing psychological distress, providing non-clinical support that offers practical solutions to manage distress and identify additional services to aid longer-term recovery. DBS is not an alternative for people who require urgent, hospital-based care.

Over the coming weeks, NQPHN in partnership with Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service (CHHHS) will continue to hold virtual community and provider consultations to build our DBS services.

If you’d like to be involved, please email

Last updated: 06 June 2024