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CRANAplus Advanced Life Support Course

Posted Tuesday 04 March 2025 | CRANAplus

Designed for nurses, midwives, paramedics, and medical officers, but open to any remote health care workers, the Advanced Life Support Program is based on ANZCOR Guidelines and best practice principles. The course will provide the remote health workforce with the advanced life support skills required in the management of the patient prior, during and after a cardio respiratory arrest with an emphasis on care in the remote and isolated setting.

This ALS course is con­tex­tu­alised for the remote and iso­lat­ed set­ting with lim­it­ed resources. The one day face to face work­shop enables clin­i­cians to prac­tice and devel­op their clin­i­cal skills in a sim­u­lat­ed envi­ron­ment under the guid­ance of high­ly expe­ri­enced ALS instructors.

CRANAplus rec­om­mends that ALS be com­plet­ed every two years and sug­gest that BLS be com­plet­ed pri­or to under­tak­ing the ALS course.

On successful completion of this course, clinicians will be able to:

  • Under­stand the impor­tant of ear­ly recog­ni­tion of a dete­ri­o­rat­ing patient using the ABCDE approach.
  • Deliv­er stan­dard­ised adult CPR fol­low­ing the ALS algorithm.
  • Man­age a car­diac arrest spe­cif­ic to rur­al and iso­lat­ed environments.
  • Con­sid­er the rel­e­vant caus­es of a car­diopul­monary arrest in adults and treat reversible causes.
  • Main­tain high qual­i­ty CPR with min­i­mal interruptions.
  • Prompt­ly recog­nise and treat shock­able and non-shock­able rhythms.
  • Under­stand the post resus­ci­ta­tion care required.
  • Demon­strate accu­rate doc­u­men­ta­tion and com­mu­ni­cate a clear con­cise han­dover of find­ings and inter­ven­tions using the ISBAR approach
  • Under­stand the legal and eth­i­cal con­sid­er­a­tions around ALS

The CRANAplus Advanced Life Sup­port one day course con­sists of the following:

  • Online pre-course learn­ing and assess­ments that must be com­plet­ed one week before the course:
    Advanced Life Sup­port online the­o­ry mod­ules and assess­ment — approx. 8 hours of study
  • Atten­dance at a one day work­shop con­sist­ing of lec­tures, skill sta­tions and prac­ti­cal based scenarios
  • An indi­vid­ual sce­nario based assessment

Last updated: Thursday 02 February 2023

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