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CRANAplus Advanced Life Support Course
Tuesday 04 March 2025
Designed for nurses, midwives, paramedics, and medical officers, but open to any remote health care workers, the Advanced Life Support Program is based on ANZCOR Guidelines and best practice principles. The course will provide the remote health workforce with the advanced life support skills required in the management of the patient prior, during and after a cardio respiratory arrest with an emphasis on care in the remote and isolated setting.
This ALS course is contextualised for the remote and isolated setting with limited resources. The one day face to face workshop enables clinicians to practice and develop their clinical skills in a simulated environment under the guidance of highly experienced ALS instructors.
CRANAplus recommends that ALS be completed every two years and suggest that BLS be completed prior to undertaking the ALS course.
On successful completion of this course, clinicians will be able to:
- Understand the important of early recognition of a deteriorating patient using the ABCDE approach.
- Deliver standardised adult CPR following the ALS algorithm.
- Manage a cardiac arrest specific to rural and isolated environments.
- Consider the relevant causes of a cardiopulmonary arrest in adults and treat reversible causes.
- Maintain high quality CPR with minimal interruptions.
- Promptly recognise and treat shockable and non-shockable rhythms.
- Understand the post resuscitation care required.
- Demonstrate accurate documentation and communicate a clear concise handover of findings and interventions using the ISBAR approach
- Understand the legal and ethical considerations around ALS
The CRANAplus Advanced Life Support one day course consists of the following:
- Online pre-course learning and assessments that must be completed one week before the course:
Advanced Life Support online theory modules and assessment — approx. 8 hours of study - Attendance at a one day workshop consisting of lectures, skill stations and practical based scenarios
- An individual scenario based assessment