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CRANAplus Remote Emergency Care Course

Posted Tuesday 04 March 2025 | CRANAplus

Designed for nurs­es, mid­wives, Abo­rig­i­nal and Tor­res Strait Islander health prac­ti­tion­ers, para­medics, and med­ical offi­cers, the CRANAplus Remote Emer­gency Care course allows par­tic­i­pants to devel­op the knowl­edge and skills nec­es­sary to respond with con­fi­dence to emer­gency sit­u­a­tions and to deliv­er safe and qual­i­ty care in the remote setting.

On successful completion of this course, clinicians will be able to:

  • Demon­strate ini­tial assess­ment and man­age­ment of a seri­ous­ly ill or injured client in the remote and iso­lat­ed setting.
  • Per­form a sys­tem­at­ic pri­ma­ry sur­vey to iden­ti­fy actu­al or immi­nent life threat­en­ing pre­sen­ta­tions and pro­vide life­sav­ing inter­ven­tions to estab­lish a client’s air­way, breath­ing and circulation.
  • Con­duct a sys­tem­at­ic sec­ondary sur­vey to col­lect addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion and per­form a com­pre­hen­sive phys­i­cal assess­ment to detect oth­er sig­nif­i­cant but not imme­di­ate­ly life-threat­en­ing injuries or conditions.
  • Demon­strate accu­rate doc­u­men­ta­tion and com­mu­ni­cate a clear con­cise han­dover of find­ings and inter­ven­tions using the ISBAR approach.
  • Per­form Basic Life Sup­port as per Aus­tralian Resus­ci­ta­tion Coun­cil guide­lines. (Option­al)

The REC course uses a blended learning approach that includes online pre-course mod­ules that must be com­plet­ed one week before the course, and atten­dance at a two day face to face work­shop con­sist­ing of guid­ed dis­cus­sions, prac­ti­cal skill sta­tions led by high­ly expe­ri­enced clin­i­cians, and con­text based scenarios.

Last updated: Thursday 02 February 2023

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