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CRANAplus Paediatric Emergency Care + Paediatric Advanced Life Support Course

Posted Monday 23 September 2024 | CRANAplus

Designed for nurses, paramedics, and doctors, the interactive, practical PEC + PALS course covers knowledge and clinical skills essential to the emergency management of children in low-resource settings.

On successful completion of this course, clinicians will be able to:

  • Demon­strate a com­pre­hen­sive and sys­tem­at­ic approach to the assess­ment and man­age­ment of the ill and/​or injured infant and child using a struc­tured approach.
  • Demon­strate an under­stand­ing of clin­i­cal dete­ri­o­ra­tion and apply this knowl­edge to the ear­ly iden­ti­fi­ca­tion and man­age­ment of the seri­ous­ly ill and/​or injured infant and child
  • Demon­strate ear­ly man­age­ment and prac­ti­cal skills required to man­age an ill and/​or injured child who has pre­sent­ed with a life-threat­en­ing emergency
  • Demon­strate effec­tive and accu­rate clin­i­cal handover
  • Demon­strate key ele­ments of Pae­di­atric Advanced Life sup­port including:
    • Human fac­tors and resource management
    • Caus­es of car­diac arrest
    • Basic and advanced air­way man­age­ment and ventilation
    • Car­diac arrest and defib­ril­la­tion management
    • Post resus­ci­ta­tion care.

The PEC course uses a blend­ed learn­ing approach including:

  • Online pre-course mod­ules to be com­plet­ed one week pri­or to the course
  • Atten­dance of a two-day face to face work­shop that is designed to build on the con­tent cov­ered in the pre-course modules
  • Prac­tice of skills in a sup­port­ive learn­ing envi­ron­ment to apply under­stand­ing through guid­ed dis­cus­sions, prac­ti­cal, hands-on skill sta­tions and con­­text-based sce­nar­ios led by expe­ri­enced facilitators.

Last updated: Thursday 02 February 2023

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