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CRANAplus Maternity Emergency Care Course

Posted Monday 23 September 2024 | CRANAplus

Designed for nurses, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioners, paramedics and medical officers, the Maternity Emergency Care course enables the remote health workforce to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to provide emergency care for expectant mothers and their babies in a remote or isolated setting.

On successful completion, clinicians will be able to:

  • Demon­strate the prin­ci­ples of unplanned or emer­gency man­age­ment of a preg­nant and labour­ing woman and care imme­di­ate­ly after childbirth.
  • Assess and man­age to the fol­low­ing mater­nal and neona­tal complications:
    • pre-term labour
    • bleed­ing in pregnancy
    • dia­betes
    • hyper­ten­sion
    • pre-eclam­p­sia
    • mater­nal trau­ma, dete­ri­o­ra­tion and resuscitation
    • neona­tal Resuscitation
    • post par­tum haemorrhage.

Fam­i­ly vio­lence and peri­na­tal men­tal health are also discussed.

The CRANAplus Mater­ni­ty Emer­gency Care course con­sists of the fol­low­ing components.

  • Online pre-course learn­ing and assess­ments that must be com­plet­ed one week before the course.
  • Mater­ni­ty Emer­gency Care man­u­al and assess­ment — approx. eight hours of study.
  • Cul­tur­al con­sid­er­a­tions in mater­ni­ty care read­ings and assess­ment — approx. one hour of study.
  • Atten­dance at a two day work­shop con­sist­ing of lec­tures, skill sta­tions and prac­ti­cal based scenarios.
  • An on-course mul­ti­ple-choice quiz.
  • Two indi­vid­ual sce­nario based clin­i­cal skills assessments.

Last updated: Thursday 02 February 2023

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