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Displaying 25 - 32 of 316 results
Northern Queensland Primary Health Network (NQPHN) CEO Sean Rooney, with Primary and Community Care Services (PCCS) CEO A/Prof J.R. Baker (right)

Connect to Wellbeing transitions to Head to Health Phon...

NQPHN announces Primary and Community Care Services as the provider for North Queensland

Mental Health Stepped Care service providers meet to discuss the redesigned model and service offerings.

NQPHN announces 17 providers to deliver codesigned Ment...

Redesigned mental health services will help community members access more timely care

Northern Queensland Primary Health Network (NQPHN) is rolling out comprehensive, mobile, telehealth carts to 36 participating residential aged care homes (RACHs) in North Queensland.

New telehealth initiative helps aged care home resident...

NQPHN rolls out 36 telehealth carts to RACHs in North Queensland

Dr Sam Fath, from Brisbane, is the new VIP GP at the Ingham Family Medical Practice, which is participating in the Virtual Integrated Practice (VIP) program.

Our Region, Our People: Meet Dr Sam

VIP GP helps patients in Ingham access primary health care via telehealth and face-to-face…

Northern Queensland PHN CEO Sean Rooney (right), Executive Director Health Service Integration and Innovation Karin Barron (left), and Traditional Custodian Elder for the Mackay region Philip Kemp present Mackay HHS CEO Susan Gannon with an updated 2024 Yuwi banner.

Yuwi banners help raise awareness of Mackay’s First Nat...

Updated banners bring local community together and celebrate the long-standing Yuwibara culture and…

Marianna attended counselling though the NQPHN-funded Indigenous Mental Health program, which is delivered by Ngak Min Health.

Our Region, Our People: Meet Marianna

Cairns teenager advocates for young people experiencing social and emotional wellbeing challenges

Distress Brief Support

Upcoming Distress Brief Support codesign sessions

You’re invited to help design the new Distress Brief Support service coming to the Tablelands and…

Katrina Hughes, a registered nurse at Hyde Park Medical Centre in Townsville, is completing the Graduate Certificate.

Nine North Queensland nurses secure QUT scholarships to...

NQPHN helps nurses advance their skills to enhance primary health care service delivery

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