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Aged care

It is estimated that 17 per cent of NQPHN’s population are over 65 years old (50 years old for First Nations peoples). As people get older, it is more likely they will need aged care services. However, the aged care system is complex and some people find it more difficult than others to navigate and access the services they need.

Similarly, when people need to move into a residential aged care home (RACH), they are moving into a care system that is facing challenges. For this reason, NQPHN has a number of commissioning initiatives to improve older persons care in the community and in RACHs.

Commissioning priorities for 2023 -2024 are:

  • Telehealth in RACHs

  • RACH out of hours plans

  • Dementia HealthPathways and Consumer Resources

Early intervention is supported by NQPHN's five year Chronic Conditions Strategy that will underpin system integration and innovation, workforce development, and primary care engagement for more effective chronic condition primary care service delivery.

Supporting RACH staff to increase availability and use of telehealth care for aged care residents promotes timely access to primary health care professionals where face-to-face consultation is not possible. RACHs require adequate telehealth facilities to support access to virtual consultations for residents. 

This initiative assists participating RACHs to have appropriate telehealth equipment to enable their residents to virtually consult with medical specialists, GPs, and other clinicians.

This commissioned service also funds the training of RACH staff on how to use the telehealth facilities and provide support to residents in accessing virtual consultation services.

In early 2023 Enkindle consulting met with a majority of RACHs in our region to consult and map existing telehealth infrastructures.

To learn more about the free HealthDirect Video Call software please refer to our factsheet here.

To register your RACH Video Call account click here.

NQPHN is introducing a Residential Aged Care Home (RACH) bed tracker system. Each quarter NQPHN will prompt all RACHs within the NQPHN catchment to update their key data around bed capacity. 

This data will be shared with our local Hospital and Health Services (HHSs) to aid in the understanding of system-wide bed capacity within each HHS catchment area, including the expected wait time for transfers of patients to RACHs.

By implementing and maintaining such a system, NQPHN aims to contribute to improving the exchange of key information to support older persons health across northern Queensland. 

Launch the RACH Bed Tracker now.

RACH residents can experience deterioration in their health during the after hours period, however, immediate transfer to hospital is not always clinically necessary. Lack of awareness and utilisation of out-of-hours services provided by GPs and other health professionals leads residents to unnecessary hospital presentations. 

Therefore, it is important to support RACHs to enhance out-of-hours supports and after hours plans.

NQPHN will work with the RACHs in our region to enhance the out-of-hours support for participating RACHs. We will assist RACHs to develop appropriate after hours plans, educate their staff on after hours healthcare options and processes for residents, encourage the implementation of procedures to keep residents' digital medical records up-to-date, particularly following an episode where after hours care was required, and support the engagement between RACHs, GPs, and other health professionals in developing an after hours action plan.

This initiative supports primary care practitioners' access to the HealthPathways tool, promotes best practice care, enhances local clinicians' awareness of referral options and services, improves collaboration and integration of healthcare systems, and develops consumer-focused dementia support pathway resources.

Please visit your local HealthPathways site for more information.

Dementia is the second leading cause of death in Australia, with Dementia Australia reporting that the incidence of dementia is predicted to double by 2054. Early diagnosis of dementia is extremely important to delay progression of the disease and premature entry to RACHs.

Older persons need better access to support services and assistance to navigate the complex system through which care is required. 

In 2023, NQPHN delivered an online virtual Dementia resource for consumers to access. This resource geolocates to the consumers location and provides a list of key services and resources around them to support them with their care.

Visit My Community Directory to learn more about dementia and resources available in your area. 

Palliative care
Eacham Medical Centre are looking for a Practice Nurse (RN), ideally with experience in a general practice environment, to join their wonderful team!
Eacham Medical Centre
17 Catherine Street, Malanda
Part time
Marni Dennis
(07) 4096 5999
Health provider vacancies
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
(07) 4096 5999
Email Address
Closing date
Job Description

Eacham Medical Centre is a friendly, busy, family medical centre, established 19 years ago. We currently have six general practitioners (GPs) working with us. 

The ideal candidate will be enthusiastic, highly organised, self motivated, and have the ability to multi-task. They must have a passion for primary health, a positive attitude, and be a strong team player. Training and further skill development is available. 

Unconditional registration with AHPRA as an Registered Nurse is essential.

Roles and responsibilities include

  • Immunisations (adult and children)
  • Wound care
  • Assisting doctors with procedures
  • Triage and assessment of patients
  • Treatment room procedures including ECG, spirometry and ear syringing
  • Chronic Disease Management - care plan development and reviews
  • Assisting in the management of recalls and reminders
  • Supporting and mentoring enrolled nurses, less experienced registered nurses, and students, as required

The position is for between 2-3days per week, ideally with flexibility to cover leave of other nurses.

For more information, please visit 

Mind Australia is seeking a self-motivated, compassionate Peer Practitioner eager to make a difference in people’s lives.
Mind Australia
Gayle Clifford
(07) 4846 1459
Health provider vacancies
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
0498 333 730
Email Address
Closing date
Job Description

This opportunity is a casual role to work on a seven day rotating roster in the Mackay area, with potential to work across CSS and our Mackay Step up Step down residential service.

You will utilise your lived experience of mental ill health and recovery to support clients with positive person-centred, recovery-orientated services to achieve wellbeing goals, build capacity and life skills, reduce social isolation, strengthen social connections, develop community networks, and maintain a purposeful lifestyle.

To learn more about this job opportunity and submit your application, please visit Mind Careers - reference number 494637.

For additional information, please contact Service Manager, Mackay Step Up Step Down and Crisis Support Space Gayle Clifford at