With our goal to lift child immunisation rates and coverage across our region, we are seeking to better understand the barriers, enablers and opportunities to accessing child immunisation services for families and communities.
Northern Queensland Primary Health Network (NQPHN) has engaged Beacon Strategies to facilitate a range of engagement activities, including local and online community consultation workshops, stakeholder interviews, and an online survey, so there’s a wide range of ways for people to engage and have their say.
We’re currently undertaking consultation with parents and caregivers of children aged 0 to 4 years, as well as with child immunisation providers and other health and support services that work with young children and families.
We invite you to participate in this consultation to share your perspective, and also ask you to share this information and flyer with the families who are part of your network.
The consultation will help to inform strategies to increase accessibility to child immunisation services in our region which forms part of our commitment to implementing the NQ First 1,000 Days Framework.