How can we help you today?
For all media enquiries, please contact the NQPHN Senior Communications and Media Officer on
Connect to Wellbeing transitions to Head to Health Phon...
NQPHN announces Primary and Community Care Services as the provider for North Queensland
NQPHN announces 17 providers to deliver codesigned Ment...
Redesigned mental health services will help community members access more timely care
Upcoming Distress Brief Support codesign sessions
You’re invited to help design the new Distress Brief Support service coming to the Tablelands and…
Update: Changes to Mental Health Stepped Care
As you may be aware, Northern Queensland Primary Health Network (NQPHN) has been working to…
Applications now open for community wellness and suicid...
NQPHN invites community groups with pitch-ready and project-ready initiatives to apply
Tenders live for psychological therapies in Residential...
NQPHN launches two open and competitive tender processes
Community has their say at Cairns Head to Health initia...
New service will support adults with mental health challenges
Cairns Head To Health Lived Experience Advisory Group ...
Northern Queensland Primary Health Network (NQPHN) and Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health…